
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Rivonia vs Bethal-the truth about South Africa PART 1

It’s clear that the most important era in the modern Southern African liberation movement is between 1960 and 1976.It defined the politics of the region forever. During this period the apartheid regime was successful in staging two treason trails that were set to reverberate within the country and beyond till this very day. These are the Bethal and Rivionia Treason Trials, distinctively set up to obliterate the PAC from within and numb and transform the ANC into ‘collaborators’. Since the illegal formation of the Union of South Africa by the British and Dutch high command in the country, there has never been an opposing political force but the ANC. Within this regard, the apartheid regime had only been dealing with an elite group of Africans who were carved into a working middleclass; Christian converts and clergyman, academics and traditional leaders. It’s not until the late 50’s and early 60’s that the regime started facing an opposing political force that was aware of the class struggles that existed amongst the oppressed and thus transformed this awareness into sharp political articulation in the form of “true africanist’ stance that sought to do away with the “House Nigger’ or ‘Uncle Tom’ mentalities that diluted the peoples revolution and harbingered neo-colonialism. The ANC basically confirmed with the charter drafted in Kliptown that their route of liberation was a racially induced one, hence the multiracial character of the charter. This would further fuel racialism and also maintain the status quo socio-economically of the haves and have nots. The Sharpeville massacre in 1960 ushered in a new identity for the regions liberation politics. This identity was one of non collaboration (with the regime and neo-liberals) and a ‘go at it alone’ mentality. It also harbingered a new era of de-racialisation of politics and intense reassurance in a humanistic movement. Robert Sobukwe further elaborated on this stating: “In our past experience has been that minority groups declare themselves sympathetic to our struggle….but when they come into our movement they do not except the program we have formulated ourselves. They present us with programs that protect their sectional interests”. The ANC was thus a marginalized power in this regard. This stance taken in the 60’s was a flower blooming from seeds planted in the late 40’s already by the likes of Sobukwe, Lembede, Mandela, Sisulu and Mda whilst part of the Student Representative Council at the University College of Fort hare. Sobukwe addressed striking nurses in 1949: “I wish to make clear again that we are anti-nobody. We are pro-Africa. We breathe, we dream, we live Africa because Africa and humanity are inseparable. History has taught us that a group in power has never voluntarily relinquished its position. I am afraid these gentlemen are dealing with a new generation of which cannot be bamboozled”. These views, fighting ideas with ideas, herrenvolk versus humanity, completely set the PAC aside in the political arena as giants of the liberation movement. This was not ideal for the regime. Something or someone had to be obliterated. Between 1955 and 1960, the ANC had clearly exposed the true nature of their politics. By endorsing the Freedom Charter they went to bed with the oppressor, eyes wide shut. The difference with the ANC of 1912 and that of 1955 is that the latter willingly accepted the role of the gate keeper and protector of white guilt. The former was very oblivious and unaware of the colonial masters’ intension hence the black middle-class was formed with dignity and grace. The regime had to make a crucial decision in order to maintain the political imbalance. The banning of the ANC and the PAC was the initial move. The second move was to portray these organizations in a certain light that would be advantageous to them. How? Be extremely brutal to the “True Africanist” leadership such that a sense of mortal fear is dominant. Also, find a loophole in the conservative ANC that will allow them to see a future of multiracialism in South Africa. The Bethal Trial served to destroy Pan Africanism through an illegal court system . The Riviona Trail served to uphold a racist regime through ANC reformed prisoners who would one day emerge in the 1990’s as the true liberators of this land chanting a slogan of ‘multiracialism’. This is the real truth about South Africa.

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