
Wednesday 13 August 2014

Pallo lie is an ANC lie.....

This is not a Pallo Jordan lie, this is an African National Congress lie. Big and fat like all them other lies. The charterist movement might be drunk with herrenvolkism but their protocol on credentials is vigilant, straight. You mean to tell me they did not know that Pallo is bluffing? ofcourse they knew. and they(NEW GOVERNMENT in '94) were the only quality assurance monitors for such things. How many other so called exile stalwarts did the same whether is was academia, business or public service. Why do you the we have a non existent service delivery systems? Its these cronies. I challenge all who claim Pallo has made a major contribution to the intellectualism of this country..what exactly has he contributed? I know his books..have read one specifically over the last 10 odd years or so. Besides being his fathers son (the Colossus that is AP Jordan, Author of many publication including "Ingqumbo Yeminyanya/Wrath of The ancestors") .....correct me please. Here is a well read young man with no particular educational super credentials..but he called him out a couple of times. His name is SAM!